Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How Can I Choose One?!

Q: Who is your favorite superhero?

Make note, I do not read comic books although I wish I had the time/money for them. The knowledge I have of the following superheroes comes from my love of watching the animated series/movies, and the individual research I do.

First of all, I love superheroes. I love both Marvel and DC--although I do like Marvel a tad bit more. This week's question was really hard because I like a lot of superheroes. They tend to be pretty awesome and dynamic characters. It ended up coming down to two for me. One from Marvel: Thor. One from DC: Batman.

He has been one of my favorite superheroes of all time. Batman has been one of the superheroes that I grew up watching movies of. I was born in a time where I was able to watch George Clooney and Christian Bale portray him. I, like most of society, did not like Clooney's portrayal of this character. I did, however, love Bale's. I think Bale captured Batman as I always envisioned him to be. I used to watch the animated series when I was young. At the time, I used to think Batman was a man who had no special super-power yet was protecting Gotham City. I viewed it as being the best type of
heroic. Risking your life for strangers because you find that that is the right thing to do, how freakin cool is that?! As I grew older, though, Batman became a very complex character. I began to understand why he protects Gotham. His parents were murdered in front of him. Now if that doesn't sound scary, I don't know what else can be. This man took a moment so scarring in his life and turned it into a reason to protect the city. The reason this character is so complex, to me, is because he gives off an image of being an asshole to society. He fits the billionaire man stereotype: pretentious asshole. Bruce Wayne is the billionaire asshole of Gotham. Though Wayne may spend his money carelessly in the eyes of the Gotham citizens, Batman spends it on gadgets to protect the city. This man is a hero regardless of not having any superpower.

This superhero has become a recent favorite of mine. I will say that a good part of my attraction to Thor comes from the actor who plays him, Chris Hemsworth. I think the casting director was spot on when choosing the actor to play Thor. I like this superhero because, I believe, he is a proper superhero. He is a God. He is Son of Odin and Asgardian God of Thunder, for crying out loud! He has the special powers and super strength. This is someone to not be messed with. His character is a protector of realms. As for this hero, I like the portrayal in the comics. Once again, I have not read the comics, but I have read about him online. Thor (from the comics) appears to be more human, well not technically. He just understands the way Earth works. At a point in his life, in order to be taught humility, Odin sent him to Earth as a mortal. In that time, Thor went under the name of Donald Blake. He was a surgeon. While working at a hospital, Blake meets nurse Jane Foster. Although I do like how they portrayed Jane and Thor in the films. I wish to see more of Thor in the upcoming years. I think he is a great character that many people don't know about or enough of.

I do wish I could write more about other characters in Marvel and DC but I don't want to bore you with a long blog post. I just have to say that I love the X-Men, Avengers, and the Flash. Also, Peggy Carter--even though she isn't technically a superhero.

Till Next Time,

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