The Penguin and The Riddler!
Unlike my dear friend Jackie, I love villains that are more humanized. The more relatable they are, the scarier they are. That's not to say that the Joker's Krazy didn't scar me with nightmares (because it STILL does), but I find the characters that can pass by as regular people to be tons more intimidating. The crazy thing about these two villains in particular is the fact that they're not necessarily special. Their backstories are like many villains; bullied and unappreciated to the point of insanity. And that alone is frightening to me! I've been mean to people; people have been mean to me! All these guys have is their wit, determination, and their uncharming looks! I'm witty and determined (and the comparisons stop there because I am definitely charming)! But they really don't have any super-powers or flamboyant gadgets. It's just a business man and an enigmaphile (probably not a word, I'll live with it) using their assets to get ahead in life.
To be fair, I didn't really consider them as my favorite anything until I watched their backstories unfold in the new TV show of Gotham (2014). They just seemed so... average. The Penguin should really be called the cockroach because he keeps getting squashed and trampled on by everyone, but he still manages to pick himself and try to get ahead. And The Riddler is so sweet right now, it's exciting to him played out that way when you know what he will inevitably turn into.
They're selfish and seek revenge and power, like most of us would be if we were wronged. I think my interest in villains come from the contradiction they bring to my heroes. They're the polar opposites that I can still turn into, and they expose the thin line between the selfish and the humble, the greedy and the kind, and the realistic and the ideal.